Book an appointment online
The fastest and best way to get an appointment is with the electronic appointment system. If you can't find a time that suits you, we'll see if we can arrange it.
We calm the space during pampering treatments
We keep the door locked during pampering treatments. We announce this in our social media stories every morning. We also keep the phone on silent at all times with customers, so you can relax without distractions. We answer calls during breaks or at the end of the working day. Thank you for your understanding.
Make sure you arrive on time
Please arrive on time max. 5 minutes before the start of the treatment. Don't be late for your appointment either, so that the next appointments are not late. Let's respect each other's time.
Heimolinnankatu 8, Loimaa
045 783 94150
Hoitojen aikana puhelin on äänettömällä, jotta voimme tarjota mahdollisimman rauhallisen ympäristön. Soitamme takaisin aina hoitojen väleissä tai päivän päätteeksi.
Saavuthan ajallesi täsmällisesti.
Olemme avoinna sopimuksen mukaan.
Voit varata ajan puhelimitse tai nettiajanvarausjärjestelmästä.
Lahjakortit voi tilata netistä sähköpostiisi tai hakea hoitolastamme.